
about us
Growler focuses on the design and manufacturing of new special purpose vehicles
Awarded a contract to produce over 600 Internally Transported Vehicles [ITVs], Light Attack Vehicles [LAVs]
New manufacturing facilities were purchased in
Robbins, NC
Growler expanded into Star, NC. with core focus being the manufacturing of military vehicles, trailers, and equipment
Purchase of our Media and Coatings Facility, a climate controlled industrial media facility

Currently Growler owns four facilities comprising over 134,000 square feet of production and warehousing space
Our Star Facility comprises 34,000 square feet with 30,000 square feet of production space, and two acres of improved and semi improved surfaces
Our Robbins facility comprises 50,000 square feet of production facility, 54 acres of improved and semi improved surfaces, with a 49 acre test track
Our Ether facility is our main media and coatings facility and comprises 34,000 square feet of production facility
The Biscoe facility is used for warehousing and overflow of production components
Production and warehousing facilities are located in a 15 miles radius